Press Room

30 August 2015

Bank of Ireland UK’s team out in strength for Lap the Lough 2015 event

More than 60 members of staff from Bank of Ireland UK, lead sponsor of Northern Ireland’s largest cycling event, Lap the Lough, completed this year’s tour around Lough Neagh, raising funds for the Bank’s charity partners Barnardo’s and Co-operation Ireland as well as for other good causes chosen by individual staff.

The team set off early today on the circuit of the largest lake across the UK and Ireland from the start line at Peatlands Park.

The Bank’s sponsorship has helped fund the organisation of the popular Lough Neagh event which saw 2000 cyclists and thousands more spectators and supporters from all around Lough Neagh help raise funds for charity.

Since it began in 2006, Lap the Lough has grown from strength to strength and now draws international participants. Today’s event saw individual cyclists and teams tackle the 140km route around Lough Neagh either in one go or in relays.

Eugene Hamill, Event Organiser from the not-for-profit Upbeat Agency, said: “We’re delighted to have the support of Bank of Ireland UK. Lap the Lough is a fun, community event which promotes cycling participation and fundraising. Cycling has exploded in popularity in Northern Ireland over the past few years and the Bank’s sponsorship means that Lap the Lough is able to attract thousands of participants to enjoy a fitness challenge and raise money for good causes.”

Duncan Bednall, Regional Director, Bank of Ireland UK said: “We are committed to supporting people, businesses and communities across Northern Ireland and we were therefore delighted with the opportunity to get behind such a high profile  sporting event taking place locally. Today was a great opportunity for our team to enjoy the fun with friends and colleagues while challenging themselves physically and doing good in the process. We’re pleased that so many of our own staff volunteered to join in and support causes that are important to them.”

Pictured are, from left to right: Duncan Bednall, Regional Director, Bank of Ireland UK; Dave Smith, Former Olympic Coach; Martyn Irvine - Former World Track Champion; Fancea McNally, Event Organiser and Kate Donnelly HR Project Manager, Bank of Ireland.


For further information about Lap the Lough visit

For media enquiries contact:

John Paice, UK Communications Manager, Group Communications

Bank of Ireland, Tel: +44 (0)117 3632410/M: +44 (0)773 9332399

Caroline Mcnelis, Tel: 028 9039 5524 / 07821558362

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